Hello to all our teachers and staff! We're excited to bring you our 2023-2024 benefits offering, with new and improved options curated based on your feedback. Please watch the video below and get engaged with this year's open enrollment!
Rachel Ball
Vice Principal
Enroll Online
Talk to a Counselor
Company Identifier: Ace123
Hello to all our teachers and staff! We're excited to bring you our 2023-2024 benefits offering. Please watch the video below and get engaged with this year's open enrollment!
Company Identifier: Ace123
Enroll Online
Talk to a Counselor
Benefits Guide
Registration Help
Benefits Guide
Registration Help
How to enroll?
or register
If you already have an account you can sign in, or if it's your first time please register using the company identifier above.
Fill in your information
Complete and check the next sections for accuracy. You will need your personal information, current address, and dependent information.
Walk through your benefits offering one product at a time, being sure to select any dependents you wish to cover for each product.
Review and submit
Review your elections and sign off on the deduction amount. You can print a copy of your benefits summary directly from this screen. Don't forget to hit submit!